Collection: Historical Modules

Historical Modules for Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) are expansions to the game that focus on specific theaters of World War II and provide highly detailed and historically accurate scenarios and rules.

Each Historical Module typically covers a specific campaign or battle, and includes new rules for units, weapons, and terrain that are unique to that theater. These modules provide a highly immersive and realistic gaming experience, allowing players to recreate the tactical challenges faced by the historical combatants.

Examples of Historical Modules include Red Factories, which covers the battle for Stalingrad, and Kampfgruppe Peiper I, which covers the German offensive in the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge. Other Historical Modules cover specific theaters, such as the Pacific, North Africa, or the Italian Campaign.

One of the key features of Historical Modules is the extensive research that goes into their creation. Designers and historians work closely together to ensure that the scenarios and rules are as historically accurate as possible, drawing on a wide range of sources, including primary documents and first-hand accounts.

Historical Modules also often include additional maps and counters, as well as detailed historical background information on the battles and campaigns covered. This information can provide valuable context and insight into the tactical decisions made by the historical combatants, and can enhance the overall gaming experience.

Overall, Historical Modules for ASL provide a way for players to explore and learn about specific theaters of World War II in a highly immersive and engaging way. They offer a level of detail and historical accuracy that is unmatched in other World War II tactical wargames, and are a must-have for any serious ASL player who wants to deepen their understanding of the war and its battles.