Collection: Core Modules

The Core Modules of Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) are a series of supplements that add to the foundation of the game. These modules provide additional Orders of Battle (OoB) to the base game, as well as additional scenarios, maps, and counters.

The first Module, Beyond Valor, covers the Eastern Front of World War II and includes the German and Soviet OoB. It also includes a variety of scenarios, covering historical battles such as the Battle of Stalingrad and Operation Barbarossa.

The second Module, Paratrooper, was originally issued by Avalon Hill (AH) to expand the game to include US airborne operations.  MMP later moved it into Module 3 so it is no longer in print or necessary to obtain (apart from as a collectors item).

The third Module, Yanks, covers the American involvement in WWII and originally introduced Chapter E to the rulebook. 

The fourth Module, Partisan!, was released by AH to feature the resistance forces of World War II.  MMP was to later include it into Module twelve.

The fifth Module, For King and Country, covers the British and Commonwealth forces and was originally released by AH as West of Alamein.

The sixth Module by AH was The Last Hurrah which featured the early World War II Allied Minors infantry and support weapons but has since been incorporated into Module eleven by MMP.

Hollow Legions, featuring the Italian OoB is the seventh Module.

Code of Bushido by AH was the eighth Module which featured the Japanese and US OoB in the Pacific.  MMP rereleased it as Module thirteen and included the Chinese OoB. 

Gung Ho! was the ninth Module by AH featured the Chinese and the US Marine OoB but was also later incorporated into Module thirteen by MMP. 

Croix de Guerre is the tenth Module and features the full French OoB.

Doomed Battalions was the eleventh and final Core Module released by AH and featured the Allied Minors vehicles and ordnance.  When MMP updated this module they added Module six into it.

Module twelve was released by MMP and added the full Axis Minors OoB to the game and also includes Module four previously released by AH.

Module thirteen, Rising Sun, was released by MMP and combined both previous AH releases of modules eight and nine.

Module fourteen, Hakkaa Päälle! by MMP added the full OoB for Finland for the entire war.

Module fifteen, also by MMP added new rules for the Korean War and added UN, Chinese and Korean forces 1950-53.

The Core Modules of ASL provide a comprehensive and immersive gaming experience, allowing players to recreate the tactical combat of World War II with a high degree of realism and accuracy. They are the essential building blocks for any serious ASL player, providing a wealth of scenarios and rules that can be customized and combined to create unique gaming experiences.