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Special Ops Issue #5 2014

Special Ops Issue #5 2014

Regular price $69.00 AUD
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Featured articles cover ASL, Angola!, Lincoln's War, Storm over Dien Bien Phu, Last Chance for Victory, and It Never Snows.

PERHAPS YOU NEED MORE GUIDANCE - An “ANGOLA!” Strategy Guide. By Marty Sample.

LINCOLN, WHISTLING DIXIE - An Introduction to Lincoln’s War. By John Poniske.

ASL - Nippon Panzerfaust: A Guide To Using Tank Hunter And DC Heroes Effectively. By Roger D. Foss.

ASL SCENARIO O9 - Behind In The Count. By Chas Argent.

ASL SCENARIO O10 - City On The Edge. By Chas Argent.

ASLSK SCENARIO S56 - In Pursuit Of The French. By Joe Gochinski.

ASLSK SCENARIO S57 - Haase To Hold On. By Vincent Maresca.

GIAP DEMANDS SUCCESS - Breaking the Forts and Vietnamese Card Play in SoDBP. By Brian Youse.

LAST CHANCE FOR VICTORY - A Few Thoughts. By Dean Essig.

WELCOME TO THE FREAK SHOW - OOB Notes For “It Never Snows”. By Carl Fung.

The Battle of Bushy Run game uses a simplified version of Iwo Jima: Rage Against the Marines (in Operations Special Magazine Issue #1). The American Indian units use a concealed map and have dummy units to help hide their movement. The British force is a mix of soldiers, grenadiers, and scouts (who can reveal hidden Indian units). To increase replayability there are random events each turn (8 turns, 10 event chits, so 2 are not played each game...their identify is not revealed). Both sides have multiple ways in which they can secure victory.

In July, 1763, Fort Pitt (now Pittsburgh) was under siege as part of Pontiac’s Rebellion. A relief column was sent out from Carlisle in order to try and break the siege. The column was under the command of Colonel Henry Bouquet and consisted of approximately 500 British soldiers of the 42nd Highlanders, 77th Highlanders, and 60th Royal Americans.

On August 5th, several hundred Indian warriors of the Delaware, Shawnee, Mingo, and Huron tribes attacked the column east of Bushy Run Station. The British held out, and that night a redoubt was constructed from the supplies, and the wounded were treated inside this perimeter. The next day, the Indians attacked again, and a British counterattack broke the Indians. The British column was able to advance, and relieve Fort Pitt on August 10th. 

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